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- What is the reason behind API pricing? - Kite Connect developer forum

- What is the reason behind API pricing? - Kite Connect developer forum

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Zerodha kite api pricing 



Zerodha API (Algo Trading) Review - 500+ million


Howdy, Stranger! It looks like you're new here. If you want to get involved, click one of these buttons! Sign In Register. Categories Recent Discussions Activity. Categories Does the historical data API return data upto the current time, or until the previous trading day?

Vivek April Historical API is an add on to the app and both including it costs Rs. We don't have sandbox mode yet but you can expect it in near future. Is there any page listing pricing of historical data api and usage restrictions if any? We will put it up soon. Historical API subscription is an add-on subscription. It will cost you Rs. If it is monthly then why points? That is, one for trading and one for historical data feed. Currently, it is that you subscribe to basic trading package which is 2K and then add on the historical data package which is another 2K.

People like me who wish to access only historical data for the purposes of backtesting, will have to shell out 2K for services that they will not use, at least immediately. Let me know what you think? Hi arkochhar , I will forward this request to the management. We will get back to you about this.

Hi Sujit, we request you to provide some demo historic API access like 15 days trial period.. Also any timeframe for release of sandbox? Some information in this regard will be highly appreciated. Hi arkochhar , I have put a word across management. As of now to make it easy for users, we are not expiring historical API subscription when the base subscription ends. We will provide the sandbox feature in near future.

However, deferring the Historical API expiry is not the solution. This is total waste of money I feel. Also you must realise that your competition is fast catching up both in terms of quality and quantity.

If you take these steps, there will less need for a sandbox. It is my sincere hope that some action is taken in this direction soon. I Up-vote this suggestion. I explained my reason after the quote- "Here is what I think you should do, split the Interactive and Historical API sign up and reduce the price for both. Any login failure etc where you have to re-attempt a login and related session management is best managed when there is no inter-dependency of these processes and sessions.

For the same reason having independent request rate for historical data and order placement is expected. In summary, the order placement particularly exit on a volatile day is the most crucial one and must not be affected in any ways by other things like the historical data access.

Sujith Kailash Nithin To further press my point, historical data API and order management API should be isolated fully and you should not have any reason to have common nodes at any point including both the backend hardware infrastructure or the software stack.

This doesn't seem to be in your system given the example of session management and rate limiting. Since you are re-designing the systems this may be the right time to give a deep thought on the long term merits of fully isolating these services. Ones October edited October And further there is already competitor who is offering it for far lesser price not sure about the quality though still as I haven't signed up with them yet , but looks like it is just the same access as what Kite Connect offers.

So I cant understand the logic to price interactive API more than double to what the competition is already offering.

Hence full automation possible instantly. Hi, Kite Connect offers much more with just Rs Kite Connect API's historical dataset is bigger than any other offering.

Kite Connect APIs are scalable, tried and tested. Businesses like smallcase, balance have been set up on these APIs.

Kite Connect APIs give access to regular and direct mutual funds. Kite Connect v3. Since this is a developer forum, pricing related discussions are a little out of the scope. Those are done by the business team. Please post your queries regarding pricing to talk at rainmatter.


Zerodha kite api pricing. Zerodha API (Algo Trading) Review

  The Kite connect APIs are charged at Rs. /- per month per app and historical API are charged an additional Rs. /- per month per API key. To know how to. So started exploring the kite api documentation and finally got to know that zerodha API is not free for individual developers.    


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